Any followers out there from the Apple Isle?? I'm excited to announce that I'll be popping down to Tassie to host a Nutrition Workshop/Education Session thanks to lovely Mel at Booty ( Mel's an award-winning group personal trainer and psychologist-in-the-making who I was in touch with recently about all things health and nutrition – now we're joining forces to get the word out to the masses! 

A little bit about the event, what I'll be talking about, etc (from Mel), below. Details regarding registration at the end – I hope to see some of you there!

I’ve written about gelatin before, both here and here. But (for new readers in particular, hello!) to summarize, some of the health benefits of gelatin and why you’d go out of your way to include it in your diet: 

The role of sound, restful sleep in the promotion of good health cannot be underestimated, with poor sleep (quality and/or quantity) linked to weight gain, metabolic disorders, depression, impaired cognitive function, athletic performance, reduced immune function, stress tolerance, and a host of other health conditions. 

Who wants to pay upwards of $40 for a body scrub when you can home-brew your own for a couple of bucks? Cheap and cheerfulness aside, making your own skin products also means you can control exactly what’s going onto and into your body – your skin is porous and will soak up anything you slather on it, so needless to say additives and excess chemicals aren’t a great idea. If it’s good enough to eat, you can be sure it’s good enough to put on your skin (and perhaps bake with later, no?).

It’s quite shocking that polyunsaturated fats are still being touted as “healthy” fats, as the scientific literature clearly shows the damage caused by these types of fats in a multitude of both animal and human studies. Recommending the consumption of polyunsaturated oils for their ‘heart-healthy benefits’ is equivalent (or worse) than the old 20th century medical adage to prescribe smoking as a treatment for sufferers of chronic asthma (true).

The French have consommé and glace de viande, the Vietnamese have pho, the Japanese have ramen, and so on – nearly every culture has traditionally included broths and stocks made from animals bones in their diets. 

Whilst gummy bears and jello don’t exactly conjure a picture of good health, gelatin of the non-lolly variety can be a wonderful addition to your diet, with lots of health benefits including:

A quick Google search of the phrase “last 5-10 pounds” yields ~ 29 million, 600 thousand results.

It seems that last 5-10 pounds are notoriously tough to lose and a source of frustration for millions of women. Do you cut calories/restrict carbohydrates/exercise excessively/fast intermittently/go hungry/slurp down cabbage soup? All of the above?

That’s the new cabbage PR slogan. Because at the moment, if you type c-a-b-b into google, the search autofill tool assumes you are looking for ‘the cabbage soup diet’. Which we most certainly are not!